- Table of Contents
- Security Analysis of a Public Key Cryptosystem for Synchronized Chaotic Systems
- A Security-Mediated ElGamal Identity-Based Encryption Scheme
- A New Macaulay Matrix Structure for Solving Multivariate Quadratic Problem
- Survival of the First Practical Lattice-based Encryption Scheme: A Review
- Table of Contents
- Simple Cryptanalysis on the Phony Rivest-Shamir-Adleman cryptosystem
- AKSA MySEAL Block Ciphers: Four Years On
- A Comment on “Key Generation Using Generalized Pell’s Equation in Public Key Cryptography Based on the Prime Fake Modulus Principle to Image Encryption and Its Security Analysis”
- Table of Contents
- Cryptographic Randomness Analysis on Simon32/64
- Rabin-p Key Encapsulation Mechanism for CyberSecurity Malaysia MySEAL Initiative
- Enhanced Statistical Analysis Evaluation Using CSM Randomness Test Tool
- LED and SIMECK FPGA Implementation
- New Vulnerabilities Upon Pomaranch Boolean Function Through Fault Injection Analysis (FIA)
- Table of Contents
- Common Modulus Attack Against Lucas Based El-Gamal Cryptosystem in the Elliptic Curve Group Over Finite Field
- Generalizing Equivalent Elliptic Divisibility Sequence for Elliptic Net Scalar Multi- plication
- Security Analysis of Lucas Based El-Gamal Cryptosystem in the Elliptic Curve Group Over Finite Field using Two Types of GMITM Attacks
- Electrical Power SCADA Testbed for Cyber Security Assessment
- Table of Contents
- Hybrid Heuristic Methods in Constructing Cryptographically Strong S-boxes
- An Optimized Pairing-Based Cryptography Library for Android
- Identity-Based Signature using Bilinear Pairings on iPhones
- CSM S-Box Evaluation Tool (CSET); Tool to Evaluate the Strength of an S-Box
- A Review on Lattice Based Cryptography Resistance to Quantum Computing
- Table of Contents
- CFEA-Technique: Smaller Size of the Compressed Plaintext
- Rabin-RZ: A New Efficient Method to Overcome Rabin Cryptosystem Decryption Failure Problem
- Linkability Attack of an ID-based Blind Signature Scheme
- Generic Construction for Attribute-Based Identification Schemes Secure against Reset Attacks
- A New Arbitrated Signing Scheme Based on BFHP
- Randomness Analysis on Speck Family Of Lightweight Block Cipher
- Analysis of Steganography Substitution System Methods Using New Testing Techniques Proposed for Strict Avalanche Criterion
- Digital Image Watermarking using Digital Holographic Interferometry (DHI) Technique
- Table of Contents
- Modelling Stochastic Correlated Node Behaviour for Survivability in Ad Hoc Networks
- Holographic Watermarking based on Off-Axis Hologram and DWT-SVD
- Threshold Signature with Hybrid Problems
- On the Mathematical Complexity and the Time Implementation of Proposed Variants of Elliptic Curves Cryptosystems
- Mutual Remote Attestation in IPSec Based VPN
- Key Exchange for New Cryptosystem Analogous to LUCELG and Cramer-Shoup
- Bivariate Polynomials Public Key Encryption Schemes
- Design and Implementation of Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption in Body Sensor Network
- Security of NIDV Proof Systems for Certificate-Free Undeniable Signature Schemes
- Table of Contents
- Spectral Test via Discrete Tchebichef Transform for Randomness
- Secure Electronic Cash Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based on Zero Knowledge Proof
- ACM Cryptographic Key Exchange for Secure Communications
- The Applications of DH-Tuple Witness Indistinguishable Protocols
- Development of Undeniable Signature Schemes without Certificates
- Table of Contents
- A New Public Key Cryptosystem Based on IFS
- A k-Resilient Identity-Based Identification Scheme in the Standard Model
- Bias in the Nonlinear Filter Generator Output Sequence
- Security Analysis of the Step (D,K) Generator Respect to its Parameters
- Algebraic Analysis of Small Scale LEX-BES
- Conditional Probability Based Camera Identification
- One Megabit Random Ambience
- Detecting Attacks in Encrypted Networks using Secret-Sharing Schemes
- Table of Contents
- LILI to Dragon: from Bit-based to Word-based Stream Ciphers
- AAbeta-Cryptosystem: A Chaos Based Public Key Cryptosystem
- RSA Decryption Techniques and The Underlying Mathematical Concepts
- GCD Attack on the LUC4 Cryptosystem
- A New Cryptosystem Analogous to LUCLEG and Cramer Shoup
- The Beta-Transformation: A Case Study for Chaos Based Cryptography
- A Faster Version of Rijndael Cryptographic Algorithm Using Cyclic Shift and Bit Wise Operations
- Hardware Implementation of RC4 Stream Cipher
- Improving Security Performance with Parallel Crypto Operations in SSL Bulk Data Transfer
- A Shift Column Different Offset for better Rijndael Security
- Table of Contents
- A New Blind Signature Scheme Based On Factoring and Discrete Logarithms
- A New Online/Offline Signature Scheme without Key Exposure in the Standard Model
- Java Implementation for Identity-Based Identification
- Garbage-Man-In-The-Middle Attack on the Luc4 Cryptosystem
- A Method of SSO IN P2P Networks with the Capability of Adaptation at Network Topology Change
- Design Flaws of a Secure Watermarking Scheme for Buyer-Seller Identification and Copyright Protection
- Random Walk Algorithm Based Design Technique for S-Box
- Differential Distinguishing Attack of Shannon Stream Cipher
- Conditions for Counter Measures Against One Time Pad Attack on Baptista Type Chaotic Cryptosystem
- Crazy: A New 256-Bit Compression Function for Hash Algorithm
- Cryptographic Key From Webcam Image