International Journal of Cryptology Research

About the Journal

The International Journal of Cryptology Research (IJCR) is the official journal of the Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research, and provides a forum for publication of original results in all areas of modern information security. It consists of two issues per year.

IJCR began publication in 2008 under the banner of MSCR and published biannually; in June and December.

Aims and Scope

IJCR publishes original research papers and review articles on and related modern information security, covering topics in the areas of but not limited to theoretical foundations, applications, implementations and any related issues in cryptology, information and network security and other underlying technologies.

Editorial Statement

The abbreviation for IJCR is Int J. Cryptol. Res.

Journal Subscription

All IJCR articles are freely available online in PDF through open access. All issues of our journals are made available online once they are published.

IJCR gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works as it is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.

For institutional subscribers please directly contact the Editorial Assistants via email

Please direct all enquiries and subscriptions to:

Chief Editor
Prof. Dr. Ramlan Mahmod,
International Journal of Cryptology Research,
Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research,
C/O Institute for Mathematical Research,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
